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Sports for persons with physical impairment
Чемпионат России (мужчины/женщины) дисциплина-пауэрлифтинг in sports for persons with physical impairment, Yekaterinburg 03.03.2024 - 10.03.2024
Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovskaya Oblast’)
About the event
Министерство спорта России, ООО "ВФСЛПОДА" ГАУ СО "ЦАС "Родник", РООО "ФПР"-"ФПСО" РОО "ФСЛСПОДАСО"
All information is taken from the open sources. e-Champs is not responsible for accuracy of the data, nor is responsible for taking applications for this event.
Atual dates may differ from the ones published on this page